There are tools out there, but we have the best swing path trainer to be the Speed Trap 2.0 as one of the best on the market.
The Speed Trap 2.0 training is designed to help you get back on plane.
It is especially useful for those how ‘come over the top’ rather rocking a swing path that comes from the inside.
With the Speed Trap you will:
1. Learn how Trap the Ball – By trapping the ball we mean you hit the ball and then the turf. You’ll know you did it correct when you create a nice crisp divot. You hit will be solid with great trajectory and phenomenal spin. The Speed Trap’s Polycarbonate base tells you instantly instead of trapping it you are scooping the ball or hitting it fat.
2. Swing On-Plane – The goal is to swing the club between the Speed Rods. When you do your club will be on plane and on path. The result will be an elimination of a slice or hook and ultimately leading to straighter longer shots.
How to Use the Speed Trap 2.0. – The Best Swing Path Trainer in Three Easy Steps
Step 1 – Start by Using the Base Only
Begin hitting with the base in place only. This allows you to adjust to a new view of the target. Start my making some swings hit the ground in the middle of the slot. Start very with slow, partial swings. Aim for slow swings that just brush the turf… then move on!
The next step is to add a target. You can do this by putting a tee in the turf and then making slow, partial swings hitting the tee.
Finally, you can increase your speed and swing length. Continue this drill until you are making great turf contact and are not hitting Polycarbonate base. Then you can move to Step 2.
Step 2 – Use the Tool With the Rods Facing Outwards
Now, the big step of adding the brilliant, red, training rods! Start by placing one or two rods facing outwards. Put them in the front of the base, and as wide as possible. Start off using no ball, just a tee. Make slow, partial swings. Once you get the hang of it, increase your speed and length.
Finally, you can add a ball and tee it up. Again, start with slow, partial swings. Focus on good contact with the ball and missing the rods. In time, increase speed and swing length. Stay with this drill until you are making clean contact with the ball. Look for a divot in front of the ball. You’ll know you’ve done it correctly when you see this type of divot.
Step 3 – Use the Tool With the Rods Tilted Toward Body
Now it’s time to get more advance. Start with only the front rods in place. Make good swings and begin reducing the width of the rods. Once you find it easy to hit this way, then make it more challenging. Eventually you can add a Driver, where in case you will need wider margins. Completing these steps allows you build a repeatable and reliable swing!
After you feel comfortable with the first three steps you can play around with different different rod configurations to shape shots. The Speed Trap makes it easy to hit draws and fades as well as how to eliminate your slice or hook.
Take your time with the tool and soon you will able to hit a beautiful fade or draw.
Tools Help, but Practice is Key
Golf has been a beloved pastime dating back to the early 1400s. The sport has evolved in many ways over the years, but remains both a relaxing and involved game. Mastering the game of golf requires diligence to improving your game, so make sure to practice using the Speed Trap to boost your performance in your next trip to the course.